25 Days of Christmas Kindness

"Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness you are able to give."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

A Fun Twist on the Advent Calendar

Let's spread some Christmas cheer for everyone to hear and use kindness to end the year!

Advent calendars are a holiday tradition in many homes.  There's so much excitement in enjoying a special treat while counting down the days until Christmas finally arrives.  We wanted to share a fun twist on the advent calendar so your family can experience the magic of kindness together. 

It's easy to get into the holiday spirit with your children by practicing one act of kindness each day for the month of December.  What better way is there to teach about the reward of giving and serving?  Rather than getting, the best part of Chritsmas is truly giving.  

25 Days of Christmas Kindness

1. Bake cookies for someone special.

2. Make a card for someone you love.

3. Call a family member just to say "I love you."

4. Craft a special gift for a friend.

5. Give stickers to friends at school.

6. Write a message in chalk on the sidewalk.

7. Tape change to a vending machine.

8. Leave a lucky penny heads up to be found.

9. Bring treats for everyone in your class.

10. Make ornaments to gift to a senior home.

11. Bring your teacher a special gift.

12. Make cards for other kids in the hospital.

13. Buy a new toy and donate it to a toy drive.

15. Donate toys and books to a foster home.

16. Donate items to a food bank.

17. Make care kits for the homeless.

18. Donate a book to your classroom.

19. Make a new friend at the park.

20. Smile at everyone you see.

21. Sing Christmas carols at a senior home.

22. Leave a kind note in a returned library book.

23. Sit next to someone new in the cafeteria.

24. Help with chores without being asked.

25. Teach someone something new.


25 Days of Kindness