50 Volunteering Ideas for Kids

Volunteering Benefits for Kids, the power of gratitude, sense of community, builds social skills, increases empathy and bonding, and more.
The most valuable and priceless thing we can give to others is our time.  We can teach our children to selflessly share their time to worthy causes as well.  Volunteering is a great way to empower children to make a difference to others and in the world around them.  The added benefit is that while children are volunteering their time and efforts, they are also building social skills, deepening their sense of community, reinforces the power of gratitude, strengthening their empathy skills, increases bonding with parents, and more.  

Here are 50 volunteering ideas for kids!

Helping Close to Home

Children may be surprised to learn that there are many ways they can help right in their neighborhood and even right next door.  

1. Pick up trash from the park, beach, or sidewalks.

2. Offer to mow the neighbors lawn or trim their weeds.

3. Pick up sticks and brush from the ground and throw them away.

4. Offer to plant flowers for a neighbor.

5. Help start a community garden.

6. Offer to help a neighbor carry their groceries.

7. Collect and deliver supplies to drop off outside to neighbors/friends/family who have been sick or had a new baby.

8. Make and deliver cards to a local nursing home.

9. Help to coordinate a neighborhood yard sale and donate the money to a local charity.

10. Collect used books and donate them to a local school, or start a free neighborhood library.

10. Help to coordinate a bake sale to donate money to a local charity.

Helping Hungry or Homeless People

Exposing children to the notion that others may not be as fortunate as they are to have full bellies and shelter can deepen their level of gratitude and provide passion for a purpose beyond them.

11. Participate in local events, such as a 5K run or walk, that donate the proceeds to charity.

12. Shop for toys to give away to children in need and deliver them to a children's shelter or foster home. 

13. Cook or serve meals at a homeless shelter.

14. Go through and donate toys and books that are no longer being played with to a children's shelter or foster home.

15. Make care packages for homeless people with items like water bottles, snack packs, and travel-sizes hygiene products.  Deliver the packages to a church or shelter.

16. Collect blankets, pillows, and socks and deliver them to a church or shelter.

17. Sponsor a child through Toys for Tots or make a shoe box of gifts for a children through Operation Christmas to spread holiday cheer.

18. Collect and deliver canned goods and perishable items to a food bank or shelter.

19. Make a neighborhood collection site for perishable items that can be delivered to a local food bank or shelter monthly.

20. Purchase and deliver Thanksgiving meal kits for local families in need.

Helping Animals 

There are many animals locally that could benefit from volunteering time and efforts.

21. Volunteer at a local farm or animal shelter.

22. Collect needed items like blankets, beds, and newspapers for a local animal shelter.

23. Organize a drive to collect food and treats to deliver to a local animal shelter.

24. Offer to walk a neighbors dog.

25. Make and place bird feeders outside for wild birds.

26. Have a car wash and donate the money to a local animal shelter.

27. Make a lemonade stand and donate the money to a local nature center.

28. Help post signs for local dogs that have runaway.

29. Sit for a neighbor's pet when they go out of town.

30. Foster a pet in need in your home.

Additional Ideas

Here are 20 more volunteering ideas to empower kids to donate their time:

31. Purchase and deliver treats to a nursing home.

32. Collect new teddy bears and deliver them to a children's hospital.

33. Help decorate a nursing home for a holiday.

34. Spend some time talking to seniors at a nursing home.

35. Purchase and deliver treats to a children's hospital.

36. Offer to help a teacher with extra tasks.

37. Volunteer your time at a local library.

38. Offer to work a booth at a school event.

39. Help a new mom with tasks around her house. 

40. Offer to babysit for a neighbor for free.

41. Deliver Halloween candy to a local children's hospital.

42. Make and deliver cards for children's hospitals and nursing homes.

43. Volunteer time at a Special Olympics event.

44. Offer to help clean the local fire station.

45. Offer to wash a neighbor's car.

46. Bake and deliver cookies to a neighbor.

47. Pass out cold waters at the park or beach.

48. Collect items to recycle.

49. Read stories to younger children.

50. Teach someone a skill you know. 

We hope this list inspires you to help your child take action in donating their time and skills to worthy causes. 


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